Friday, February 20, 2015

Almost there

WOW! We already are half way through EN002, feels just like yesterday we were walking in the door. I feel like I’ve learned so much in such a short time. I’ve loved coming to Prof. Simon’s class! Even though sometime she can give us some tough love, I feel like this class has helped me prepare for the rest of my college career. Learning about how to write a good outline to set my paper up for success.  I have also improved a ton on grammar, but I know to pass my portfolio I’m going to work even harder on grammar. I’m still going to use the WRLC for support in my last month here in EN002. I also noticed it a lot of people are also talking about grammar. How they have improved but still have some work to do. I’ve said in the past most Mondays I’m in the WRLC working on grammar and I would love to have a study group, so let me know.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The worlds best or worst accessory?

We have been conditioned by society to constantly be in touch and our phones give us that option to do just that right at our fingertips. We are social creatures and phones give us that ultimate power with a post of a comment, heart on a picture and birthday reminder. Like many people said in class on Monday we are the technology generation. We have grown up with having a phone and have been told its okay. Every part of our life has adapted to making life easier by using our phone. We can shop for clothing, food, car insurance and even FaceTime our 80-year-old grandparents. What’s with the phones? Well we have made them an accessory we can’t live without but yet we get questioned constantly on why we don’t.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Resembling or Simulating Real Life

This is my first semester here at MC, going to school part time and maintaining a full time job. Doing the weekly schedule assignment the other day was very eyeopening for how much free time ill realistically have. The assignment helped me understand that I have to be strategic with my time if I want to continue my lifestyle, but let’s be real. I’ll probably have to say goodbye to seeing my friends during the week and stay at school on the day’s I have class (MWF) in order to make the WRLC my study home. To help me commit to my academic success, I have made calendar in my phone for school. I have reminders set for when I have assignments due date. I’ve also set reminders for myself to go to the WRLC after class even if I don't think I have question. I often find I go home thinking I don’t have any question, only to read the assignment to find I have questions.“Crap what did she mean by that again.” I invite you to join me in my study home down at WRLC! My last class gets out at 1pm so you'll see me there around 1:30 with a snack and Arnold Palmer ice tea.