Friday, February 20, 2015

Almost there

WOW! We already are half way through EN002, feels just like yesterday we were walking in the door. I feel like I’ve learned so much in such a short time. I’ve loved coming to Prof. Simon’s class! Even though sometime she can give us some tough love, I feel like this class has helped me prepare for the rest of my college career. Learning about how to write a good outline to set my paper up for success.  I have also improved a ton on grammar, but I know to pass my portfolio I’m going to work even harder on grammar. I’m still going to use the WRLC for support in my last month here in EN002. I also noticed it a lot of people are also talking about grammar. How they have improved but still have some work to do. I’ve said in the past most Mondays I’m in the WRLC working on grammar and I would love to have a study group, so let me know.


  1. Tell me about Professor Simon sure does give us tough love, but it's for the best. And maybe I will come hang with you on Monday at the WRLC.

  2. i have similar struggles that i go through with grammar in my writing, but just like you i go to the WRLC because it helps, and is very beneficial

  3. Study groups sounds fun maybe I will join you one day in WRLC.

  4. You are hitting it right on the nose. I feel the same way, but maybe that study group on Monday's will help. Count ME IN!.

  5. count me in with the study group. when im done with my internship i am all for it!!

  6. she sure does pack on alot of work! coununt me in the study group !

  7. Me too! I would like to be in the study group! Great post! :D

  8. I also feel like this class has just gone by us like a breeze and feel like I've learned so much in such a short time period and feel that the hard work is paying off.
